Saturday, August 7, 2010

"My weekend while my mommy was away"

My Aunt Stefie and my cousins came to watch me for a few days while my mommy and daddy went away for their Anniversary. It made me worry at first because I am trying to train my mommy and daddy not to let me cry. I think they might be catching on. So I had to set things straight from the very beginning.Aunt Stefie and my cousins had to realize ..........
There was going to be a whole lot of this .............

If there was not enough of this!!!

My Auntie even bought this handy little carrier, just so I could be really close to her all weekend!! She catches on fast!!! I think I am really going to like her!!

my weekend while my mommy was away.......cont.

Then everyone thought it would be fun to give me a bath.It was nice but the water could have been a little warmer!
It was very relaxing. Before I knew it, I was getting very sleepy.

I felt like I needed to give everyone a reminder to keep me close through the night........real close!

Yes cousin Dallas!! This will work! You got it!!

O.k.....O.K.......even this will work!! Good job cousin Ellie!!

"my weeekend while mommy was away"cont.....

Then it was time to shop! It was better than ever! My Aunt Stefie has me all figured out. I was so cozy and warm. I could even hear her heart beating if I listened close enough. aww the memories!! So I just decided to relax and take it easy, and sleep!! It was great!!

My Aunt has been good to me, so I decided to be good to her right back!!

I sure hope Aunt Stefie tells my mom about this thing!! It is great!!

"my weeekend while mommy was away"cont.....

I caught my big cousin Jackson checking me out a few times. People say he resembles my daddy with all of those freckles on his face. I wonder if I will look like Jackson too?
Silly cousin Ellie LOVED my crib! I am not sure why....because I don't!!!!

The "brothers" laughed all night watching "A Christmas Story". Must have been pretty funny! My worry at this time was that I wasn't going to be going to my crib!

So far, so good! I heard my Aunt Stefie say she was going to stay with me the entire night on the couch. wooohooo!!

O.K. I admit it! I love my paci! I always have. But for some reason my Auntie and cousins could not stop laughing at me this morning while a enjoyed a little "me" time. I even gave them all a break from having to hold me. I hope my Aunt Stefie leaves this paci at my house. I just love the way it fits my mouth!!