Sunday, February 28, 2010

My beautiful baby girl turns 5!

I can't believe Ellie is five. My baby is going to start school in the fall. Time really does go by so fast. I am so thankful for this special little girl. I so badly wanted for My oldest daughter to have a sister since I had sisters. My boys had each other, so I really needed another girl. Thank you God for answering this heartfelt prayer over five years ago. Ellie is very sassy at times with all of her siblings, she has to be since she is the baby. We all love her so very much. She loves her mamma, but she is definitely a daddy's girl too. Out of her sister and brothers, right now she prefers her brothers. She has always liked boys better to play with and pal around with. This really bothers her oldest sister, Dallas at times. I feel as she gets older this will change. She has always been very obedient, and doesn't tend to throw fits at all, never has. She also always asks for permission before she leaves my sight even at home as she goes upstairs. All of this is such a nice change after her older brother Cooper, he is quite the opposite. ha! She loves all of her animals and gets upset if she thinks I toss the cat outside without being gentle enough. She has a very tender heart. She is such a blessing to have the opportunity to raise. And I am so glad that she is mine!!!! We all love her so very much!!
Ellie blowing out her candles
Picture of Timber Falls, where Ellie chose to have her birthday party.

Her little cupcake birthday cake.

Ellie excited to see her cake.

And Ellie loves her Bear! This is her cousin. He will also be going into kindergarten. This little dude is one of Ellie's very favorites! They love to play together and it helps that he is a boy since that is what she prefers!! Her Aunt Natalie is going to have a baby in July and she made it very clear to everyone that she didn't want her to have a girl, and that it better be a boy. Well Ellie is in luck since just this weekend we found out that it is going to be a BOY!!!

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