The kids have mixed emotions about starting school. It means summer is over for the most part, but they also know that if the weekends are still warm, we will be out on the water at least until after labor day.
Ellie also started her first day at a new preschool so she could go with cousin Bear. She was excited.
This is my Cooper D. on meet the teacher night, 2 days before school actually started. He was a little emotional, and acting a little strange. As you can see, I was trying to keep everything as fun as possible, so that we would not have a repeat the first day of first grade, like it was on the first day of kindergarten. He lost it and was begging to go back home with me. So naturally, I lost it too. Things did get easier after that first day. In this pic, he wasn't too excited yet. However, I am proud to report that this morning, he was fighting back the tears at first but he was trying to be such a "big boy". I exited the room very quickly........but NO TEARS!!!!!! I know those of you who know Coop, this side of him is a little surprising. He's such a good boy!

I love the back to school picture of all the kids!