Natalie, you would be so proud. My first post with pics by myself! I won't always post everyday. I will get way to busy for that. but for now I am trying to get the hang of this so there will be more frequent posts for awhile. My next post will be about my three legged kitty cat! Yes it is a very interesting summer stay tuned!
This is my Ellie on vacation this summer at Tybee. We were all getting ready to go on a bike ride.
The boys, swimming off of our dock. If you look really close at Cooper, you can see the red sore on his chin. That was where a red eared slider turtle bit him while at our friends house as all of the kids were out playing in the hay field. He had it up close to his face, trying to sweet talk it out of its shell and all of a sudden he lunged out and bit him.....and hung on. Cooper yanked it off and yelled "ouch" threw him down and went running on his way. Our friend Brent claims that he is the toughest kid he has ever met. And to that I say, only Cooper D. would get bit on the chin by a turtle. As a worried mom, I was only hoping that there has never been any reports of turtles carring rabbies!!! So far he has done fine.
This was during Dallas' 12th birthday party. She is on the far left. They enjoyed a day on the lake. Swimming off the dock, boating, and tubing. All of these girls are also on our traveling basketball team. My niece Sophie Shore is on the far right.

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