My little sister Natalie has recently been given one of Gods greatest gifts, A precious baby boy. We are all beyond excited and in love with our new addition to the family.
He couldn't be more perfect!!
You might not even know that Dallas was holding this "bundle of Love" unless you saw those precious little feet with band aids on his heels.....awww
There is no place in this world that Ellie would rather be than right where she is in this picture, holding her little baby cousin and feeding him a bottle.
She thought he was pretty awesome, as we all do.
The boys, just thrilled to add another one of "them" to the mix of now 8 kids on our side of the family. The girls are a little outnumbered at this point. 5 boys and 3 girls. O.k. Nat, you know what you need to do for the next one:):) What can I say. He is the definition of Gods perfect work, a blessing, a joy, and we are all so overjoyed that he is here!!!

What a sweet post. He's got a lot of people who love him a lot. I think Ellie could sit and hold him all day long.