The reason is because my love for her was so intense, that there were absolutely NO words that I could have ever written to express how my heart felt for her, so I wrote nothing. That is also how I am feeling about my mom. It is hard for me to put into words the love that I have always had for her even more so to this day. I have always been such a mammas girl. I am so lucky to know that my mom is there for me at any time of the day or night....She really is my very best friend! My childhood memories are of a mom who always believed in me, was my biggest fan, my protector, she prayed over me, encouraged me, directed me, and only wanted the absolute best for me in all things. She always told me that "pretty is as pretty does" and never let me say that I "couldn't" do something. She also taught me how to always accept a compliment. She was always a giver and still is. Even though we never had an over abundance of money growing up, I thought we were "rich". I know now it was all of the love that was always giving! I was a happy child, and because of her, I am a happy adult. She is the first one I go to for advice, and with 4 kids, I need alot of it. I aspire to do as good of a job raising my kids, that my mom did with me. And I can only hope that my children will always love me the way that I have always loved my Mamma!
Me with my 4 children on Mothers Day 2010. I love them all so much. They give me so much joy, excitement, love and .........exhaustion!! hehe

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