This year we all celebrated Thanksgiving at my mom and dad's who live just down the street from me, and in between my older sis and myself. My little sister Natalie and her husband Frank came up from Springfield, along with my Grandpa and Grandma Nunn, Uncle Mike and his three girls, and my 91 year old Grandma Scott. It's always so wonderful to spend the day with family.

This is my Grandpa Nunn with my oldest daughter Dallas, she is 12. I am not quite sure what's up with yellow glasses, however I bet it must be the "in style" thing when you get to be that age???? hehe

Little Grandma Scott. Thanksgiving would not be the same without her around.

Dallas and Sophie with their Great Grandma Nunn.

My beautiful mom. She always works way too hard on the holidays to make sure that everything tastes just perfect and that everyone has an enjoyable time. I love her sooo much, it is really hard for me to put into words just how much that I love my mom!! I have always been the biggest mommas girl around, way more than my other sisters. One day, on my blog, I will try to express in words everything that my mom means to me. She is everything!!

And I can't leave out Tug! This is suppossed to be Frank and Natalie's dog, however he shares his time between them and my mom and dad. He is treated like a human. I think he believes that he is. Like I told my mom the other day, it is amazing to see how much joy he brings to my dad. He is a very loved dog.
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