Coop can climb ANYTHING!!! On one particular day, I recall that we had a few peole come to see our home because it is for sale. We didn't have time to leave, so we tried to stay out of their way as they viewed our home. I couldn't believe my eyes, when I walked around the corner and Cooper had climbed all the way up the door frame for all to see. That day gave a literal meaning to .............."kids climbing the walls."
he even climbs trees. AMAZING!
I thought this was precious. Big Brother Coop was painting little sissies finger nails and toe nails. Look at how hard he is concentrating. I love it!!!!
The kids wanted a nice dinner on the deck on this particular warm, beautiful evening. It worked out great.....until Jackson had a spider crawling on him. We quickly moved the "party" inside. And yes, that is our three legged Kitty behind Dallas on the chair. As you can see, she is still doing great.

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