Well we weren't sure either at first so then Travis looked it up. It all started last night at around 10:00. All of the kids were in bed. Travis went into the pantry to get a little bedtime snack, and found something very interesting looking up at him with a furry tail and big eyes. He immediately shut the door and came into the bedroom to share the excitement with me. Not sure what to do with it, or how to get it out of there, we put our mostly indoor "diva" cat in there with it. At this point Travis had me convinced that it was some kind of field mouse. I had not seen it yet. BUT.... as soon as I caught a glimpse, It was way too cute to have a cat determine it's fate, so I threw a fit, along with my 13 year old, that it deserved to live and that he must go in there and catch it. So he did. All you have to do is look at the tail and know it is not any kind of mouse, it was some kind of squirrel. And that is what we determined by looking online. It was a flying squirrel, in our pantry!

This was worthy enough to get the kids out of bed. We knew they would enjoy our little find.....and they sure did.

I was hopeing that the lid was not going to pop off while Ellie was holding it. Thank goodness it did not! Right after this we went out on the porch and let the little fella go. Then it was off to bed......again...........but the question still remains, HOW, did it ever get in there in the first place?