Saturday, January 2, 2010
Christmas afternoon at the Ezards 2009 part 2
Christmas morning at home....and Cooper's poop soap
Christmas morning the kids, except for Ellie who was in bed with mom and dad, woke us up at 5:00 am to open presents. Yes it was quite early, however I remember as a child always waking up super early too. It's a special time, so to the coffee pot I went.
I felt so bad for Ellie. She was so excited for Christmas morning and then woke up with a belly ache. It would be a little later in the morning before she really felt like opening presents. Thankfully as the morning progressed, she would be just fine.

Christmas 2009 at Nonie and Poppy's
Our family usually celebrates a total of three Christmases. We start the celebration on Christmas Eve at mom and Dad's with Both of my sisters and their families. (except for now, it is only Natalie and Frank) The day was full of excitement and many wii competitions. We had already opened our presents and Ellie and her daddy were playing with her doll house.
Bo and Jackson I am sure were deep into some sort of video game competition.
Frank and Natalie were tuckered. Here Frank is catching himself a little nap.

A fun day at KSPR 33 with Aunt Natalie
Aunt Natalie invited all of her neices and nephews to do a cooking segment with her......decorating christmas cookies.....She thought it best NOT to do this live. I can't imagine why not??? Anyway we went up for the recording, and the kids all got a tour of the studio. It was so much fun.
All seven of them at the news desk
In the kitchen during the filming. Nat does such a good job with the kids.

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